
eugene.plot.positional_gia_plot(sdata, vars, id_var='id', xlab='Position', ylab='Predicted Score', ylim=None, save=None, return_axes=False)

Plot a lineplot for each position of the sequence after implanting a feature.

Assumes that the value corresponding to each seqsm_var in the sdata.uns dictionary has the same shape, namely (L, ) where L are the positions where a feature was implanted and scores were calculated using a model. Plots the scores as a line plot with a 95% CI corresponding to the number of sequences used to make the plot.

  • sdata (SeqData) – The SeqData object with sequences and scores to plot

  • id_var (str) – The name of the variable in sdata.obs to use as the x-axis

  • xlab (str) – The x-axis label

  • ylab (str) – The y-axis label

  • save (PathLike) – The path to save the figure to

  • return_axes (bool) – Whether to return the matplotlib axes object